Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend of Aang/The last Air Bender is an Emmy award-winning american animated series that aired for three seasons on the nikelodian television network and on Nicktoons Network. The show is set in an Asian-influenced world of martial arts and elemental manipulation; the series follows the adventures of Aang and his friends, who try to save the world from war with the Fire nation. The show's Protagonist Aang is trapped in an iceberg when he is found by two members of the Southern water Tribe, Katara and Sokka. After being freed from the iceberg, Katara and Sokka join Aang on a long journey across the globe; their ultimate goal is to help Aang acquire the skills to defeat the Fire Lord and end the war. In the series' terminology, each episode is referred to as a "chapter", and each season as a "book."
Avatar: The Last Airbender is co-created and produced by Michae Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzo at Nickelodeon Animation Studios in Burbank, California. According to Bryan Konietzko, the concept of the program was conceived in Spring 2001, when he took an old sketch of a balding, middle-aged man; he re-imagined the character as a child, and the show began to develop. Bryan drew the character herding bison in the sky, and showed the sketch to Mike DiMartino. At the time, Michael was studying a documentary about explorers trapped in the South Pole. Konietzko described their early development of the concept.
These are the Aang's companion that would help him in his journey on saving the planet from chaos.
I have already finished watching chapter 1-3. Now I'm eagerly waiting for the next chapter, this episode is about finding the mother of zuko, I think, and that wont be easy; more new enemies and problems will be encounter. Thats all for now! thanks for visiting.
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